Our lyceum was established in 1992. In 2003, it was renamed Boarding Lyceum of Natural Sciences” (LIEN)
During past years, 6685 students have graduated from the Boarding School and entered universities as in Russia as all over the world.
Lyceum provides the following levels of general education: Primary Education (5-9 grades) and Secondary Education (10-11 grades).
For lyceum applicants academic term begins with 2 weeks of test lessons on already completed study programs. Depending on test lessons results applicants are competitively selected and divided between study groups.
The boarding school provides a comfortable dormitory with decent living conditions to all nonresident learners.
G. G. Konnycheva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences and Honored RF Teacher, is the founder and permanent principal of the Lyceum

In everyone’s life there comes a moment to look back and reconsider different facts and events, think more carefully about future activities, define ways of further searching and attainment of truth.
You never know when this moment arrives, but mine already did. I am the principal of private educational institution “Boarding Lyceum of natural Sciences”; this lyceum is my whole life’s work. And one of my most important goals is looking for means of making perfect education.
How do we make children so excited that they couldn’t wait to get to school in the morning and wouldn’t want to leave when the lessons are over? What do we do to make their gratitude expressions retain emotional tone long after graduation? So that after many years these already grown-up people would still have happy memories of their school times, of a school that not only taught them various foundations of science but also to achieve their goals and succeed in everything they do, a school where they would bring their own kids.

Since 2014 – Federal Innovational Ground in the field of education;
2013 – Winner of educational institutions social-professional contest award for implementation of effective education models (“Sign of Education Quality”);
Since 2011 – UNESCO associated school;
Since 2010 – Member of “Russia avant-garde Schools”
Since 2009 – Regional educational resource center;
Since 2009 – Municipal science laboratory of innovational education technologies development and integration;

The Boarding School of Natural Sciences is an educational institution which annually graduates several profession-oriented classes. The great advantage of our lyceum is 256 graduates who have been awarded with a gold or silver medal "For Remarkable Success in Studying".
These students showed great diligence and hard work in mastering the knowledge and skills in our lyceum. They became students of the leading universities of our country and then successful specialists who realized themselves in a wide variety of fields.
Looking at the results of our graduates, we can proudly say that LIEN successfully copes with its main task: help students to build their potential, develop talents, find your way in life, and, consequently, become happy people.