The Boarding School of Natural Science has formulated offers which are aimed at institutional unification of educational organizations, and educational management structures in order to enhance development in the field of long-distance learning at the level of basic education.
On May 28, 2014 the Community Council under the Ministry of Education of the Saratov region considered the issue "Development of long-distance education in Saratov region"." It was announced that the Community Council supported the idea of holding a specialized forum on long-distance education in LIEN.
The forum is dedicated to discussing the following topics:
- development of long-distance education as a learning tool at various levels of basic education;
- expanding of providing the quality education;
- existing and future long-distance learning technologies;
- filling the learning process within long-distance learning;
- organizational mechanisms of interaction of educational institutions, teachers, and students in the implementation of long-distance learning.
Leaders and specialists of educational organizations from Saratov and districts of the region, members of the Community Council under the Ministry of Education of the region, representatives of regional bodies of education, social development, and territorial development were invited to the forum.