Our lyceum was established in 1992. In 2003, it was renamed Boarding Lyceum of Natural Science” (LIEN)
During past years, 6685 students have graduated from the Boarding School and entered universities as in Russia as all over the world.
Lyceum provides the following levels of general education: Primary Education (5-9 grades) and Secondary Education (10-11 grades).
For lyceum applicants academic term begins with 2 weeks of test lessons on already completed study programs. Depending on test lessons results applicants are competitively selected and divided between study groups.
The boarding school provides a comfortable dormitory with decent living conditions to all nonresident learners.
G. G. Konnycheva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences and Honored RF Teacher, is the founder and permanent principal of the Lyceum
Highly qualified teaching staff consists of more than 50 teachers. Most of them have an academic degree:
4 teachers with Candidate of Sciences degrees;
4 teachers with “Honored Teacher of RF” awards;
1 teacher with “RF Honorary Figure of Secondary Education” award;
11 teachers with “RF Honorary Figure of General Education” awards;
2 teachers with “RF Excellent Worker in the Field of Education” awards;
3 teachers with High-Priority National Project “Education” best teachers contest winner awards;
3 teachers with Zymin Fund Awards;
14 teachers awarded with RF Education and Science Ministry certificates;
70% of teachers have high qualification categories. Average teachers age – 46.
In LIEN, great attention is paid to the adaptation of the kids enrolled into the lyceum to the new learning environment. After identifying their challenges in first semester, school organizes replenishment of the necessary knowledge and skills, which in turn allows kids to succeed in studying.
The major task of LIEN is to ensure the quality of education, which allows graduates to enter a university and be successful in life. The efforts of the teaching staff at all stages of the educational process are directed towards the implementation of this goal.
A study guide developed by teaching staff helps lyceum students to prepare for State Final Assessment (SFA) and Unified State Exam (USE).
LIEN provides all necessary conditions for using informational technologies in study process (e.g. creating media presentations and projects, passing various tests on computer, searching information or using online study diaries).
One of the leading study directions in LIEN is project activities organization. In lyceum there is a scientific community, whose members are engaged in individual and group research activities guided by leading teachers.
In LIEN, we aspire to raise creative individuals, capable of making use of their talents and skills in modern social environment conditions, loyal to the cultural values and traditions of the democratic society. In order to meet these goals in the lyceum there is the megaproject “Country of LIENIA”.

The boarding school gained fame in Saratov region and beyond as the largest specialized lyceum, as an educational institution, Resource Center.
It is ranked as the best school in Saratov region within the All-Russian contest “Best Schools of Russia 2005" and entered the list of 10 best schools in Russia.
Back in 2006 LIEN received the High-priority National Project “Education” award for successful integration of innovational programs into the study process.
In 2013, LIEN won the social-professional educational institution contest, implementing efficient models to ensure the modern high-quality education.
In 2014 LIEN participated in “Creation of Productive Educational Environment: Upbringing of Intellect as a way of forming a self-developing individual” project, in result being granted the title of Federal Innovational Ground.
A characteristic feature of the lyceum is openness.
LIEN, as a member of the association of best schools of Russia, collaborates with many schools, entered the list "Best Schools of Russia".
Lyceum has been cooperating with State Autonomous Institution of Additional Professional Education “Saratov Regional Institute of Education Development” for many years: teachers and school leaders attend open lessons, master classes and seminars taking place in the lyceum.
Basing on LIEN a science laboratory of innovative educational technologies development and integration was created.
In addition, the lyceum is a member of the productive education laboratory of Russian Education Academy based on Saratov State University by N. G. Chernyshevsky methodology department.
Since 2005 LIEN is a member of the International Network Productive Schools (INEPS).
LIEN representatives take part in INEPS Congresses and collaborates with many productive schools of Europe.
LIEN, being a UNESCO school, occupies a leading place in the implementation of international project “Associated Schools of UNESCO”.
Every year the Lyceum holds a round table within International Conference “From School Project to Professional Career” where representatives of many Russian UNESCO schools meet to exchange experience.