The Private Educational Institution Boarding Lyceum of Natural Science

Results of the project competition within the XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference "From school project to professional career" (2018).

International Scientific and Practical Conference "From a school project to a professional career".

The list of sections:

Fundamental laws of nature (physics)
Actual problems in the sciences of nature and man (chemistry)
Actual problems in the sciences of nature and man (biology)
Actual problems in the sciences of nature and man (ecology)
Actual problems in the sciences of nature and man (human ecology)
In the world of mathematics
In the world of computer science and information technology
The art of the word
The art of the word (linguistics)
History and the present
History and the present (local lore)
Man in the modern world
Man in the modern world (social projects)
World without borders (English)
World without borders (German)
UNESCO World Heritage

Fundamental Laws of Nature (physics)


Certificate of the 1st degree 

Rakhmushev Ravil

Research advisers:

Velikanov V.V., Eliseev S.A.

Secondary General School No.4, Marks, Saratov region

Almost Hemingway

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Boykova Agatha,

Politov Artem

Research advisers:

Denisova, T.P., Koroleva, T.Y., Tribunskaya, E.Z.

Secondary General School No.7, Balakovo, Saratov region

Look at the eye

Certificate of the 2nddegree

Kadirov Edward

Research advisers:

Aleksandrova E.A., Eliseev S.A.

Secondary General School No.4, Marks, Saratov region


Certificate of the 3rd degree

Gamayunova Elena, Petrova Alina,

Shmyrov Ilya.

Research advisers:

Guseva, O.V, Khrustalkina, T.F.

Secondary General School No.1, Petrovsk, Saratov region

Is the fur coat warm?

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Anna Buslova, Anastasia Melnikova, Andrey Moroz, Xenia Petrash, Maxim Timofeev

Research advisers:

Belova A.A., Bolsunovskaya E.V.

Boarding Lyceum No.5 of JSC Russian Railways, Krasny Kut, Saratov region

Modeling biotechnological processes

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Komylyatova Anastasia, Pushtaeva Olesya

Research adviser:

Marchenko O. I

Secondary General School No.3, Marks, Saratov region

Noise of the school break

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Aytalieva Ilmira, Mirsolieva Veronika

Research adviser:

Kubankina T.A.

Branch of Samara State Transport University, Saratov, Saratov region

The effect of noise on human health

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Golovkin Gleb

Research adviser:

Afanasyev E.S.

Lyceum No.6, Voskresensk, Moscow region

"Smart greenhouse", or how physics helps to solve the problems of vegetable growing in agriculture

Certificate for the practical orientation of the project

Oparin Nikita

Research adviser:

Afanasyev E.S.

Lyceum No.6, Voskresensk, Moscow region

Without physics an army can not be created.


Actual Problems in the Sciences of Nature and Human (Chemistry)


Certificate of the 1st degree

Gavrilova Anna

Research adviser:

Nevskaya O.V.

Secondary General School No.1, Bazarny Karabulak, Saratov region

The magic of the frozen rainbow

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Varnakova Polina

Research adviser:

Varnakova I.V.

Secondary General School No.16, Volsk, Saratov region

Not a simple pencil

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Vaaz Angelina, Tyan Alexandra

Research adviser:

Ekimova L.P.

Gymnasium No.8, Engels, Saratov region

Research on the digestive process and modeling under the effect of enzyme drugs

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Chunikhin Alexey

Research advisers:

Koroleva T.Y., Tribunskaya E.Z

Secondary General School No.7, Balakovo, Saratov region

In search of clean water

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Khismatullin Salavat

Research adviser:

Z.N. Amineva

Secondary General School of the village of Pribelskiy, Pribelskiy, republic of Bashkortostan

Research on the effectiveness of  purification methods on drinking water

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Buriak Alexander

Research adviser:

Nevskaya O.V.

Secondary General School No.1, Bazarny Karabulak, Saratov region

Research of  silica gel properties and obtaining indicators based on it

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Golishevsky Ilya

Research adviser:

Khlipitko N.L.

Supplementary Education Institution "Young Naturalists Station", Novokhopyorsk, Voronezh region

Assessment of the quality of tap water in the Novokhopersk city

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Musin Aydar

Research adviser:

Musin I.A.

Secondary General School of the village of Pribelskiy, Pribelskiy, republic of Bashkortostan

Honey is the organic food.

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Karasev Andrey, Pakhomov Elizar

Research adviser:

Lazutina O.A.

Branch of Samara State Transport University, Saratov, Saratov region

“The attractive killing” or harm of hookah smoking.

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Kristina Verishchagina

Research adviser:

Voronetskaya V.I.

Secondary General School No.35, Irkutsk, Irkutsk region

The water analysis of the marsh-lake complex in the place Dolgaya

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Malinkin Ilya

Research adviser:

Duvanova T.V.

Physical-Technical Lyceum No.1, Saratov, Saratov region

Biodegradable starch-containing films

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Chimarov Roman

Research adviser:

Berezhnaya L.V.

Boarding Lyceum of Natural Science (LIEN), Saratov, Saratov region

Home tracers

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach

to development of the project

Nikitina Anastasia

Research adviser:

Firsova N.K.

Lyceum No.107, Saratov, Saratov region

Coloring fabric using natural dyes


for the best presentation

Antipova Natalia

Research adviser:

Melnikova N.V.

Secondary General School No.7, Penza, Penza region

Research on the effect of bleach on clothing fabrics


of relevance of the presented topic

Vlasov Sergey, Nevryuev Alexander

Research adviser:

Volodina E.G.

Secondary General School No.1, Bazarny Karabulak, Saratov region

Basement for the second life

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach

to development of the project

Aposheva Sabina, Borodkina Maria

Research adviser:

Kuzeykina E.V.

Branch of Samara State Transport University, Saratov, Saratov region

The dispersal systems around us.

Certificate for the practical direction of the project

Andreev Michael

Research adviser:

Voronetskaya V.I.

Secondary General School No.35, Irkutsk, Irkutsk region

Research on the phenomenon of adsorption

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach

to development of the project

Grishina Ekaterina

Research adviser:

Nesterova T.A.

Secondary General School No.1, Novouzensk, Saratov region

Menu at the molecular level

Certificate of the relevance of the presented topic

Avdeev Andrey

Research adviser:

Duvanova T.P.

Physical-Technical Lyceum No.1, Saratov, Saratov region

Environmental aspects of the recycling and disposal of polymers

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach

to development of the project of the project

Kotova Alla,

Popova Anastasia

Research adviser:

Nazarova L.I.

Lyceum No.6, Volgograd, Volgograd region

Metals and alloys in the Volgograd city sights and their protection against corrosion

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach

to development of the project of the project

Kovaleva Sophia, Chernysheva Daria

Research adviser:

Nesina I.B.

Secondary General School No.9, Engels, Saratov region

Comparative analysis of the sorption properties of various enterosorbents with respect to

heavy metals


THE SECTION Actual Problems in the Sciences about Nature and Human (Biology)


Certificate of the 1st degree 

Smigin Daniel

Research adviser:

Akhmerova, E. Y.

Gymnasium No.77, Togliatti, Samara region

Research on the processes of life and features of keeping spiders at the home of the species Lasiodora parahybana

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Ilya Chernysho

Research adviser:

Morozov, Y.

Gymnasium No.33, Ulyanovsk, Ulyanovsk region

The usage of hydroponics as an alternative method of growing plants

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Ilya Kondratyuk

Research advisers :

Denisova T. P., Koroleva T. Y., E. J. Tribunskaya

Secondary General School No.7, Balakovo, Saratov region

Mysteries of the human ear

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Trofimova Maria

Research adviser:

Rodionova N. A.

Supplementary Education Institution "Young Naturalists Station", Novokhopyorsk, Voronezh region

Ecological and floral analysis of the ecotonic community of inundable meadows and oak forests of the Khopersky sanctuary

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Irina Spesivtseva

Research advisers:

Avramenko Y. A.,

Hlepitko, N. L.

Supplementary Education Institution "Young Naturalists Station", Novokhopyorsk, Voronezh region

Development of the project of floating moss in the water of the Khopersky sanctuarry

Certificate the 3rd degree

Gurchenkova Camilla

Research adviser:

Nosova, E. Yu.

Gymnasium No.77, Togliatti, Samara region

Research on the keeping and behavior of chinchillas

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Konstantin Chistyakov

Research adviser:

Pinigina-Sosina R. I.

Secondary General School No.1 of the village of Ytyk Kyuyol named after A.I. Sofronov, Ytyk Kyuyol, republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

The research on the fruitfullness of lakes in the basin of the small river Tatta in summer and winter on the Golden carp

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Vyatkina Margarita

Research adviser:

Lunina E. A.

Secondary General School No.12 named after V.V. Tarasov, Penza, Penza region

Comparative characteristics of drugs and bioactive additions of garden sage.

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Blokhina Anastasia, Nikiforova Sofia

Research adviser:

Pauk V.V

Gymnasium No.77, Togliatti, Samara region

Research on the behind nest life of ants in the forest area of Toliatti city.

Certificate the 3rd degree

Korneeva Anastasia

Research adviser:

Whaeva O. V.

Secondary General School No.13 n.a. M.V. Lomonosov, Pugachyov, Saratov region

Let’s save the wonderful world of animals

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Yulia Golubeva, Ekaterina Goryunova

Senior officials:

Vasiliev A. A., Marchuk, E. G., Semykina A. S.

Gymnasium No.5, Saratov, Saratov region

The research on conditions of keeping Lensky sturgeon in closed water supply

Certificate for the project

Gareeva Ekaterina, Kirillova Yaroslav, Kopteva Sofia

Research adviser:

Chekunova E. V.

Secondary General School No.9 with advanced study of English, Kazan, republic of Tatarstan

Eternal terrarium

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach

to development of the project

Matsaeva Alina

Research advisers:

I. A. Akhmadulina,

Merkusheva N. Y.

Secondary School No.32 "Eureka-Development", Volzhsky, Volgograd region

Cats are forecasters

Certificate of the presented topic

Isakina Anna

Research adviser:

Gracheva L. V.

Lyceum No.36, Saratov, Saratov region

Sight is a gift of life

Certificate for the best presentation

Kovalenko Vlad

Research adviser:

Gracheva L. V.

Lyceum No.36, Saratov, Saratov region

Anorexia is the way to the beauty or...

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach

to development of the project of the project

Papkin Tatiana

Research adviser:

Samsonov E. A.

Secondary General School of the urban-type settlement of Turki, Turki, Saratov region

The difficulty in studying the biocenosis of rotifers

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach

to development of the project of the project

Bogdanov Bogdan

Research adviser:

Bozadzhiev V. Y.

Gymnasium No.117, Rostov-on-Don, Rostov region

The comparative analysis of ornithofaunas of different biotypes in Rostov on Don city

Certificate of relevance of the presented topic.

Ksenia Vorobyova

Research adviser:

Babaeva L. Y.

Secondary General School No.35, Irkutsk, Irkutsk region

Endemics of Lake Baikal

Certificate for the best presentation

Soller Ekaterina

Research adviser:

Soller S. V.

Secondary General School No.35, Irkutsk, Irkutsk region

Research on plant pigment properties

Certificate for the best presentation

Derbisova Anna,

Shabanov Vyacheslav

Research advisers:

Grisyuk I. P., Krylova S. G., Nazarov, L. I.

Lyceum No.6, Volgograd, Volgograd region

Red Book of Volgograd region in drawings of Lyceum №6 students

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach

to development of the project

Dadayeva Sheila

Research adviser:

Nazarova L. I.

Lyceum No.6, Volgograd, Volgograd region

Research on the effect of different concentrations of ethanol on the germination and growth of bean seeds


Actual Problems in the Sciences of Nature and Man (ecology)


Certificate of the 1st degree

Angelina Kulshina

Research adviser:

Morozov, Y.

Gymnasium No.33, Ulyanovsk, Ulyanovsk region

The analysis of the ability of natural substances to clean polluted surfaces.

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Ivanova Daria, Irina Shamsieva

Research adviser:

Ekimova L. P.

Gymnasium No.8, Engels, Saratov region

The bioindication of water bodies of the Park Tin-Zin and Lake Stav in Engels

Certificate the 2nd degree

Bralieva Diana, Chistyakova Angelica

Research adviser:

Litewskaya E. F.

Secondary General School of the village of Zvonaryovka, Zvonaryovka, Saratov region

Some ecological features of wood-destroying mushrooms in the environment of Zvonarevka village

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Sorokina Anastasia

Research advisers:

Gulina E. V., Pchelintseva L. V.

Secondary General School No.53, Saratov, Saratov region

Changes in the activity of the enzyme catalase in the cultivation of Elodea Canadensis in tap and bottled water

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Pul Danielle

Research adviser:

Gabdulin G. N.

Secondary General School No.10, Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region

Your future kitchen

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Timokhina Olesya

Research advisers:

Volodina E. G., Timokhina V. U.

Secondary General School No.1, Bazarny Karabulak, Saratov region

The world of trees is big but very fragile

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Michaeles Varvara

Research advisers:

Pirkina A. E.,

 Rodionova N. A.

Supplementary Education Institution "Young Naturalists Station", Novokhopyorsk, Voronezh region

Experience of the gardening area in the Varvarino village

Certificate of the 3rd  degree

Pohvashcheva Anastasia

Research adviser:

Rodionova N.A.

Supplementary Education Institution "Young Naturalists Station", Novokhopyorsk, Voronezh region

The analyze of cenopopulation Quercus robur l. near the terrace of the old floodplain of Khopersky sanctuary

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Kapaeva Daria

Research adviser:

Ukhaeva O.V.

Secondary General School No.13 n.a. M.V. Lomonosov, Pugachyov, Saratov region

Tulip is a symbol of my land

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Neustroeva Adeliya

Research adviser:

Pinigina-Sosina R.I.

Secondary General School No.1 of the village of Ytyk Kyuyol named after A.I. Sofronov, Ytyk Kyuyol, Tattinskiy ulus municipal district, republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Environmental assessment of small river Tatta waters in upper and middle streams.  

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Gevorkyan Angelina, Silkina Regina

Research advisers:

Marchuk E. G, Tkachenko O.V.

Gymnasium No.5, Saratov, Saratov region

The microclonal reproduction of valerian and Moldavian dragonResearch adviser

Certificate the 3rd degree

Eremina Tatyana, Kalinkina Anastasia

Research adviser:

Pauk V.V.

Gymnasium No.77, Togliatti, Samara region

The influence of eco agent  "Leaf" with silver and copper nanoparticles on the growth and development of the project of plants

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach

to development of the project

Bondarev Roman,

Dadaeva Khava

Research adviser:

Koluzaeva V.M.

Lyceum No.6, Volgograd, Volgograd region

The village is dangerous and the village is safe

Certificate of the relevance of the presented topic

Zakharov Dmitry

Research adviser:

Rodionova N.A.

Supplementary Education Institution "Young Naturalists Station", Novokhopyorsk, Voronezh region

Plant cover of floodplain, drying reservoirs of the Khopersky Sanctuary

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach

to development of the project

Trofimova Anna

Research adviser:

Rodionova N.A.

Supplementary Education Institution "Young Naturalists Station", Novokhopyorsk, Voronezh region

Patterns of distribution of higher aquatic and coastal aquatic vegetation in the Bolshoye Goloye Lake

Certificate of relevance of the presented topic

Fedotov Dmitry

Research advisers:

Rodionova N.A., Frolova N.N.

Supplementary Education Institution "Young Naturalists Station", Novokhopyorsk, Voronezh region

Restoration of forest vegetation on the meadows of the mature floodplain of the Khopersky Sanctuary


of relevance for the presented topic

Burova Snezhana

Research adviser:

Rodionova N.A.

Supplementary Education Institution "Young Naturalists Station", Novokhopyorsk, Voronezh region

Condition monitoring of the

water caltrop population in the lakes of the Khopersky Sanctuary

Certificate of interest in the subject and creative approach

to development of the project

Matykina Olga

Research adviser:

Rodionova N.A.

Supplementary Education Institution "Young Naturalists Station", Novokhopyorsk, Voronezh region

Features of overgrowing of small reservoirs at different levels of foodplain in the Khopersky sanctuary

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach

to development of the project

Gribaneva Nadezhda

Research advisers:

Avramenko Y.A.,

Khlipitko N.L.

Supplementary Education Institution "Young Naturalists Station", Novokhopyorsk, Voronezh region

Microbiological analysis of the water of Lake “Gryaznoe”, including the shallow channel “Sudomoika”, of the “Verblud” of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain.

Certificate for practical orientation of the project

Kalinkina Anna

Research adviser:

Koluzaeva V.M.

Lyceum No.6, Volgograd, Volgograd region

Microbiological analysis of the water of Lake “Gryaznoe”, including the shallow chanel “Sudomoika”, of the “Verblud” of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain.

Certificate of relevance of the presented topic

Koldaev Egor

Research advisers:

Panchuk E.V., Storozheva T.Y.

Secondary General School No.8, Petrovsk, Saratov region

Environmental Policy of the Saratov region in the Year of Ecology.


Actual Problems in the Sciences of Nature and Man (human ecology)



Слаква Алёна


Пчелинцева Л.В.,

Суминова  Н.Б.

МОУ "СОШ №53", г. Саратов

Создание чаёв на основе лекарственных трав, интродуцированных в условиях Саратовской области


Чередниченко  Ирина, Щербаченко Дарья


Семерикова  Т.Ю.,

Сергеева  С.А.

МОУ "СОШ №4 ", Саратовская область, г. Маркс

Certificate of the 1st degree

Slakva Alyona

Research advisers:

Pchelintsev L.V.,

Suminova N.B.

Secondary General School No.53, Saratov, Saratov region

Tea design based on medicinal herbs introduced in the conditions of Saratov oblast

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Cherednichenko Irina, Scherbachenko Daria

Research advisers:

Semerikova T.Yu.,

Sergeeva S.A.

Secondary General School No.4, Marks, Saratov region

Recycle paper –save the trees

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Aytanova Darina, Karamnikova Daria, Kuzhakhmetova Adalina, Seleznev Maxim

Research adviser:

Ermakova E.YU

Boarding Lyceum No.5 of JSC Russian Railways, Krasny Kut, Saratov region

From reality to addiction (studying the effect of smartphones on the health of school children)

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Amineva Alina

Research adviser:

Khismatullina R.M.

Secondary General School of the village of Pribelskiy, Pribelskiy, republic of Bashkortostan

Detergents efficiency determination

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Petrov Denis

Research adviser:

Avramenko Y.A.

Supplementary Education Institution "Young Naturalists Station", Novokhopyorsk, Voronezh region

Nitrate content in food products

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Golovina Polina, Khamitova Alina

Research adviser:

Morozova Y.V.

Gymnasium No.33, Ulyanovsk, Ulyanovsk region

Evaluation of environmental culture impact on the family budget

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Mylnikova Tatyana

Research adviser:

Pertseva L.A.

Secondary General School No.3, Pugachyov, Saratov region

Development of ecological tourism in Saratov oblast and Pugachev district

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Krivosheeva Sophia

Research adviser:

Lunina E.A.

Secondary General School No.12 named after V.V. Tarasov, Penza, Penza region

Evaluation of the functional state of the school children cardiovascular system

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Ilyukhina Anastasia

Research adviser:

Klyueva T.G.

Lyceum "Solaris", Saratov, Saratov region

Urban ecology: think, research and act

Certificate  of relevance for the presented topic

Vagizov Eric, Khairullin Damir

Research advisers:

Guriev R.G., Khairullin I.A.

Lyceum No.2 n.a. К.А. Valiev, Mamadysh, republic of Tatarstan

Energy-saving farm

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach to development of the project

Miroshnikov Ilya

Research adviser:

Avramenko Y.A.

Supplementary Education Institution "Young Naturalists Station", Novokhopyorsk, Voronezh region

Schoolbag and the health of school children

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach to development of the project

Kulagina Alexandra

Research advisers:

Krylova S.G., Nazarova L.I.

Lyceum No.6, Volgograd, Volgograd region

Recycling- reuse of polymeric materials (based on Volgograd oblast)

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach to development of the project

Neylenko Alexey

Research adviser:

Nosova E.Y.

Gymnasium No.77, Togliatti, Samara region

Hazardous substances and their content in exhaust gases of automobile engines

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach to development of the project

Manasova Diana, Manasova Darina

Research adviser:

Garagan M.V.

Secondary General School No.1, Novouzensk, Saratov region

Honey: harm or benefit?

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach to development of the project

Berezin Nikita, Sevastyanova Olesya

Research advisers:

Koroleva T.Y.,

Tribunskaya E.Z.

Secondary General School No.7, Balakovo, Saratov region

Car in humans’ habitat


"In the World of Mathematics"


Certificate of the 1st degree

Myznov Ivan, Sadomova Anastasia, Seleznev Alexander, Smelik Anastasia

Research advisers:

Kamysheva Yu.V., Karamysheva E.E.

Boarding Lyceum of Natural Science (LIEN), Saratov, Saratov region

Ticket price

Certificate of the 2nd  degree

Smirnova Daria

Research adviser:

Osipova I.V.

Secondary General School No.58, Penza, Penza region

Land surveying on the school garden-bed

Certificate of the 2nd   degree

Nuzhdova Catherine

Research adviser:

Bykovets T.Yu.

Secondary General School No.58, Penza, Penza region

Graphical method of solving motion problems

Certificate of the 2nd    degree

Chibrikov Dmitry

Research adviser:

Chibrikova I.A.

Gymnasium No.34, Ulyanovsk, Ulyanovsk region

Book of mathematic problems “My city of Ulyanovsk”

Certificate of the 2nd    degree

Anton Bushuev, Alexander Podgornov

Research adviser:

Zhuravleva E.A.

Secondary General School No.13 n.a. M.V. Lomonosov, Pugachyov, Saratov region

Tourist backpack

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Kotova Alla

Research adviser:

Demchenko I.V.

Lyceum No.6, Volgograd, Volgograd region

Geometry in the modern interior

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Kopnina Irina

Research adviser:

Larionova N.E.

Lyceum of mathematics and computer sciences, Saratov, Saratov region

Mathematics of Rubik's Cube

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Zvezdin Nikita

Research adviser:

Balyukina G.N.

Secondary General School No.3, Pugachyov, Saratov region

Visual representation of statistical data

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Vinokurov Ivan,

Filippov Dmitry

Research adviser:

Molotkova L.F.

Gymnasium No.77, Togliatti, Samara region

“Trisection of the angle” solution

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Zhasymov Vladimir

Research adviser:

Yemelyanova S.S.

Secondary General School No.60, Saratov, Saratov region

“Speaking” percent. Collection of problems

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Agoltsova Alena, Efremova Anastasia, Zaitseva Polina

Research adviser:

Kayukova M.V.

Lyceum "Solaris", Saratov, Saratov region

Application of the theory of probability in the analysis of sports events

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach to development of the project

Zheludeva Alexandra

Research adviser:

Chekunova G.N.

Secondary General School No.58, Penza, Penza region

Fundamental theorem of arithmetic

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach to development of the project

Bolotina Eva, Polina Stroganova

Research adviser:

Ageeva I.A.

Secondary General School No.30, Engels, Saratov region

Multiplying with enthusiasm

Certificate for the best presentation

Dragunova Tatiana

Research adviser:

Pukhova E.I.

Secondary General School No.13 n.a. M.V. Lomonosov, Pugachyov, Saratov region

Financial literacy - the triumph of mathematics over intelect

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach to development of the project

Semikina Alyona

Research adviser:

Kravets T.N.

Branch of Samara State Transport University, Saratov, Saratov region

Golden ratio


In the World of Computer Science and Information Technology


Certificate of the 1st degree

Berezhnoy Sergey, Mylnikova Anastasia

Research adviser:

Brakes D.D.

Boarding Lyceum of Natural Science (LIEN), Center for Youth Innovation Creativity "Innovator", Saratov, Saratov region

History and application of prototyping and 3D modeling technologies in mechanical engineering

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Klenyaev Kirill

Research adviser:

Naumova A.P.

Secondary General School No.60, Saratov, Saratov region

“Star Wars” on camera and behind the scenes

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Nikita Solovyov, Tsoi Danil

Research adviser:

Myakshenko O.V.

Secondary General School No.30, Engels, Saratov region

Formal executors of KUMIR system

Certificate of the 3rd  degree

Filippov Andrey

Research adviser:

Udalova T.L.

Physical-Technical Lyceum No.1, Saratov, Saratov region

Fractals, their research, and why self-similarity is good

Certificate of the 3rd  degree

Shabaldina Julia, Shagal Vasily

Research adviser:

Shabaldina N.V.

Lyceum No.36, Saratov, Saratov region

Sound processing

Certificate of the 3rd  degree

Shunin Danil

Research adviser:

Litvin A.V.

Academic Lyceum, Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region

Design of VKontakte social network parser in Python programming language

Certificate of the 3rd  degree

Komlev Nikita

Research adviser:

Litvin A.V.

Academic Lyceum, Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region

Design of developmental applications using Unity

Certificate of the 3rd  degree

Shitova Anastasia

Research adviser:

Shitova N.M.

Secondary General School No.3, Pugachyov, Saratov region

Touch method with ten fingers

Certificate of the 3rd  degree

Shilnikov Nikita

Research adviser:

Polosukhin V.S.

Lyceum "Solaris", Supplementary Education Institution ”Children and Youth Center for creative activities”, Center for Youth Innovation Creativity "Innovator", Saratov, Saratov region

Personal identification system by face biometrics

Certificate of relevance for the presented topic

Zablotsky Igor

Research adviser:

Zablotskaya I.A.

Lyceum No.36, Saratov, Saratov region


Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach to development of the project

Stain Roman

Research adviser:

Provotorova A.V.

Lyceum No.47, Saratov, Saratov region

Computer games programming




Certificate of the 1st degree

Baklushin Kirill

Research adviser:

Polosukhin V.S.

Lyceum of applied sciences, Supplementary Education Institution ”Children and Youth Center for creative activities”, Center for Youth Innovation Creativity "Innovator", Saratov, Saratov region

Numerical control machine

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Bakulina Alena

Research adviser:

Kharchenko A.A.

Secondary General School No.9, Engels, Saratov region

Design of automated systems based on the assessment of environmental parameters


Burnakov Dmitriy, Khlynov Sergey

Research adviser:

Kharchenko A.A.

Secondary General School No.9, Engels, Saratov region

Development of an automatic sorting system based on a qualitative analysis of object parameters

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Kichatov Evgeny, Muravlev Daniil

Research adviser:

Sadova A.V.

Secondary General School No.12 named after V.V. Tarasov, Penza, Penza region

Development of the “Lunokhod-X” project 

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Zainagabdinov Denis, Kiselev Vladimir

Research adviser:

Litvin A.V.

Academic Lyceum, Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region

Design of a simplified electric guitar model by means of educational robot technology

Certificate of relevance of the presented topic

Antonov Ruslan, Balyaev Mikhail, Zemskov Sergey

Research adviser:

Nevskaya I.Y.

Secondary General School No.1, Bazarny Karabulak, Saratov region

Guide Robot

Certificate of relevance of the presented topic

Stepanova Julia

Research adviser:

Rodionova L.N.

Gymnasium No.33, Ulyanovsk, Ulyanovsk region

Prospects of expanding the field of unmanned aerial vehicles usage and development of unmanned aviation in general


The Art of the Word


Certificate of the 1st degree

Brazhnikov Egor, Zhuravleva Ekaterina, Zhuravleva Daria, Nedovodin Anton

Research adviser:

Dzhanbobekova L.I.

Boarding Lyceum No.5 of JSC Russian Railways, Krasny Kut, Saratov region

Meaning and use of phraseological units in our speech

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Gilvanov Ruslan

Research adviser:

Piskunova G.V.

Gymnasium No.34, Ulyanovsk, Ulyanovsk region

Route by S.T. Aksakov  Simbirsk in province (within "Childhood of Bagrov-grandson")

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Novokhatskaya Arina, Poghosyan Elina

Research advisers:

Y.P. Kupriyanov, S.F. Sprygin

Boarding Lyceum of Natural Science (LIEN), Saratov, Saratov region

Infectious diseases in the development of mankind

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Fortunatov Vasily

Research adviser:

Grishina O.B

Gymnasium No.4, Saratov, Saratov region

The magical world of theater, or the experience of participating in a theatrical production

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Anna Galkina, Maxim Dubrovsky, Sofia Kokareva, Ilya Polozkov, Angelina Semenova, Taisiya Fedorchenko

Research adviser:

Ryazanov S.I.

Boarding Lyceum of Natural Science (LIEN), Saratov, Saratov region

Birch Image: Pagan and Christian Syncretism


Ilyin Nikita

Research adviser:

Lapina L.V.

Secondary General School No.2 n.a. the Hero of the Soviet Union G.V. Tantsorov, Krasnoarmeysk, Saratov region

Good and evil ... the eternal struggle ... (within the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita")

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Meshchaninova Daria

Research adviser:

Levina N.V.

Lyceum No.3, Rtishchevo, Saratov region

Genres of children's folklore in the Rtishchevo city of Saratov oblast

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Levochkin Ruslan

Research adviser:

Sukhoparova OB

Lyceum No.62, Saratov, Saratov region

Write me a letter…

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach to development of the project

Egorov Egor

Research advisers:

Pushkina O.V., Chesnokova O.I.

Secondary General School No.4, Marks, Saratov region

Mitrofanushka, you're wrong ....


The Art of Word (linguistics)


Certificate of the 1st degree

Dadaeva Sheila, Khlebnova Lyubov

Research adviser:

Seleznev A.A.

Lyceum No.6, Volgograd, Volgograd region

Youth jargon: formation and functioning

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Patrikeev Egor

Research adviser:

Piskunova G.V.

Gymnasium No.34, Ulyanovsk, Ulyanovsk region

Professions in Rus: etymology of names and their reflection of historical changes in society

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Bystryakova Sofia, Olenev Matvey

Research advisers:

Golubeva, TA, Shchelkonogova, LA

Secondary School No.32 "Eureka-Development", Volzhsky, Volgograd region

Preserving the principles of Russian writing is the key to preserving the ecology of the word

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Vidutova Julia

Research adviser:

Badarkhanov L.E.

Secondary General School No.2 of the Rural Settlement of Khorinskoye, Khorinskoye, republic of Buryatia

English borrowings in the language of the media

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Chesnova Daria

Research adviser:

Chesnova N.A.

Secondary General School No.1, Privolzhye, Samara region

Linguistic analysis of neologisms in contemporary English (based on youth magazines)

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Shemurgalkina Catherine

Research adviser:

Bolovintseva T.I.

Secondary General School No.91 of the urban-type settlement of Novokhopyorsky, Novokhopyorsky, Voronezh region

Names of birds living in Khopyor Nature Reserve, in idioms, proverbs and sayings of the Russian and English languages

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Vasina Olga

Research adviser:

Gromova I.V.

Secondary General School No.58, Penza, Penza region

Linguistic analysis of the story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Easter procession"

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Sarksyan Elizabeth

Research advisers:

Panchuk E.V., Storozheva T.Yu.

Secondary General School No.8, Petrovsk, Saratov region

Key words of the year as markers of social phenomena

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Anna Gasumova

Research adviser:

Z.S. Viktorova

Gymnasium "Eureka", Anapa, Krasnodar territory

Comparative analysis of Russian and British surnames


History and the present


Certificate of the 1st degree

Vorobyeva Kristina

Research adviser:

Korkina G.A.

Secondary General School No.3, Pugachyov, Saratov region

The history of a letter from the front

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Baran Anastasia

Research adviser:

Gontsova E.V.

Boarding Lyceum of Natural Science (LIEN), Saratov, Saratov region

Deed in the name of love

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Shulekina Anastasia

Research adviser:

Gerashchenko S.A.

Secondary General School No.24, Saratov, Saratov region

Release. Glory and oblivion of one day

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Kulmukhambetova Saule, Kuchkarova Aina

Research advisers:

Dick G.N., Zaitseva N.G.

Secondary General School of the village of Lugovskoye, Lugovskoye, Saratov region

My pioneer childhood

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Travin Veronica

Research adviser:

Stepanenko N.S.

Physical-Technical Lyceum No.1, Saratov, Saratov region

The fate of my ancestors and the history of Russia

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Dmitry Burkov, Matvey Olenev

Research advisers:

Akhmedulina I.A., Merkusheva N.Y.

Secondary School No.32 "Eureka-Development", Volzhsky, Volgograd region

The truth about the Bermuda Triangle

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Martynenko Daria, Mikhailova Daria,

Ryzhova Alina

Research adviser:

Klenkova A.M.

Secondary General School No.7, Penza, Penza region

Political marketing in the election campaign of presidential candidates

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Smirnova Diana


Panchuk E.V., Storozheva T.Y.

Secondary General School No.8, Petrovsk, Saratov region

Panfilov Street Tour

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Natalya Alekseeva

Research adviser:

Gontsova E.V.

Boarding Lyceum of Natural Science (LIEN), Saratov, Saratov region

Freedom or tight control? Eastern and Western education systems

Certificate for successful development and defense of the project

Efimenko Andrey

Research adviser:

Filimonova N.V.

Gymnasium "Eureka", Anapa, Krasnodar territory

Ancient types of writing

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach to development of the project

Gamanyuk Gregory

Research adviser:

Nazarova N.G.

Boarding Lyceum of Natural Science (LIEN), Saratov, Saratov region

Voltaire believed that “the numerousness of laws in the state is the same as a large number of healers: a sign of illness and impotence.”

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach to development of the project

Ismailov Arthur

Research adviser:

Kvitko Y.S.

Secondary General School No.9, Engels, Saratov region

Government without bureaucracy: myth or reality?

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach to development of the project

Shtanev Daniel

Research adviser:

Shtaneva S.V.

Boarding Lyceum of Natural Science (LIEN), Saratov, Saratov region

Story in Christmas tree toys


History and the present (local lore)


Certificate of the 1st degree

Tesakova Sophia

Research adviser:

Gorelova N.P.

Gymnasium No.3, Chistopol, republic of Tatarstan

Roman Lizalin. The Man with a capital letter.

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Oblomova Anastasia

Research advisers:

Eruzina E.M., Oblomova L.A.

Secondary General School No.4, Marks, Saratov region

“If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also”

(John 15:20)

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Belousova Angelina, Vitkalo Diana, Goryunov Mikhail, Kiryakina Violetta, Kuzmichyov Dmitry, Lardugina Maria, Sycheva Anastasia, Shabunin Vadim

Research advisers:

Goryunova G.S., Kuzmicheva G.E., Chertkova I.V.

Boarding Lyceum No.5 of JSC Russian Railways, Krasny Kut, Saratov region

Oak roots

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Fedotova Valeriya

Research adviser:

Bagrova T.V.

Gymnasium No.34, Ulyanovsk, Ulyanovsk region

Feat of the Great Patriotic War soldier (using as the example of my great-grandfather Fedotov Nikolay Vasilyevich)

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Chesnova Daria

Research adviser:

Chesnova N.A.

Secondary General School No.1, Privolzhye, Samara region

There is such a job as to teach children

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Atamanova Anna

Research adviser:

Kazakova N.Y.

Secondary General School No.28, Balakovo, Saratov region

Are there any heroes in the modern world?

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Grevtsov Alexander

Research adviser:

Martynova M.B.

Secondary General School No.3, Pugachyov, Saratov region

Resurrection of Russian domes

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Pavhun Olga

Research adviser:

Bagrova T.V.

Gymnasium No.34, Ulyanovsk, Ulyanovsk region

“She left the mark in the life of the city...” (The life and work of E.M. Percy French, the patron of Simbirsk)

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Zavodilo Ivan

Research adviser:

Sukhoparova O.B.

Lyceum No.62, Saratov, Saratov region

Creative career path of the Saratov artist A.K. Grodskov

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Cheryomuhin Vitaly

Research adviser:

Prokudina L.N.

Secondary General School No.30 with advanced study of certain subjects, Engels, Saratov region

The story of one fate (Mylnikov A. A.)

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Morozova Olga

Research advisers:

Panchuk E.V., Storozheva T.Yu.

Secondary General School No.8, Petrovsk, Saratov region

Petrovsky merchants

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Kadyrova Zhanara

Research adviser:

Tolmacheva O.A.

Supplementary Education Institution "District Students Activity Center", Gorny, Saratov region

They stay forever young

Certificate of relevance for the presented topic

Sychkova Varvara

Research adviser:

Prokhorov N.A.

Secondary General School No.3, Pugachyov, Saratov region

The village which does not exist

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach to development of the project

Pisareva Ksenia

Research adviser:

Gromova I.V.

Secondary General School No.58, Penza, Penza region

Penza – the procuress

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach to development of the project

Barketova Anastasia

Research adviser:

Sergeeva M.V.

Lyceum No.15, Saratov, Saratov region

City of Sun

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach to development of the project

Lee Catherine

Research adviser:

Gromova I.V.

Secondary General School No.58, Penza, Penza region

Wonderful happiness (the story of one love in different types of art)

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach to development of the project

Shatoba Anastasia

Research adviser:

Sysun I.S.

Secondary General School No.35, Irkutsk, Irkutsk region

Where does the Motherland begin? Cossacks in Syberia

Certificate for practical orientation of the project

Ivanova Akulina

Research adviser:

Ivanova D.E.

Secondary General School of the village of Chychymakh, Chychymakh, republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Tourist resources of Amginian nasleg

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach to development of the project

Ronzhina Daria

Research adviser:

Bagrova T.V.

Gymnasium No.34, Ulyanovsk, Ulyanovsk region

In the old city park (the history of the Vladimirskiy garden in Ulyanovsk)

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach to development of the project

Kuzmin Igor

Research adviser:

Korchagina S.V.

Gymnasium No.34, Ulyanovsk, Ulyanovsk region

112 days of war ... (the fate of my great-grandfather V. Chernov, a participant in the Great Patriotic War)

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach to development of the project

Kozhinskaya Ekaterina, Koroleva Aleksandra, Ovchinnikova Arina

Research advisers:

Zakharova OG,

Klopkova Yu.N.

Secondary General School No.8, Petrovsk, Saratov region

Heart memory (heirloom)

Certificate of relevance for the presented topic

Salihin Sergey

Research adviser:

Surnakina E.A.

Gymnasium No.34, Ulyanovsk, Ulyanovsk region

“I was killed near Rzhev...” (The fate of the soldier of the Great Patriotic War, my great-great-grandfather Vasily Alekseevich Gorbunov (1910-1942)

Certificate for practical orientation of the project

Ibrahimova Eva

Research adviser:

Popova E.V.

Gymnasium "Eureka", Anapa, Krasnodar territory

Travel Guide: Traveling around Varvarovka

Certificate for practical orientation of the project

Egorova Asya

Research advisers:

Ammosova N.N., Egorova A.I.

Sakha-French Lyceum of the village of Hamagatta, Hamagatta, Namsky ulus, republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Youth collection "Kurumu"

Certificate for practical orientation of the project

Karabanova Galina

Research adviser:

Gerashchenko S.A.

Secondary General School No.24, Saratov, Saratov region

Echo of the war in the names of some streets in the Kirov region (within the project "The history of the country through the school window")

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach to development of the project

Kulyavtseva Anastasia, Lukanina Polina

Research adviser:

Ermakova T.Yu.

Secondary General School No.33 n.a. P.A. Stolypin, Club “Research”, Engels, Saratov region

Travels with Alexander Humboldt

Certificate of relevance for the presented topic

Gabitova Lydia

Research adviser:

Astakhova M.Yu.

Lyceum of mathematics and computer sciences, Saratov, Saratov region

Atomic Power Station and its impact on the ecological condition of the sanatorium “Svetlana”

Certificate for the best presentation

Kusina Arina

Research adviser:

Astakhova M.Y.

Lyceum of mathematics and computer sciences, Saratov, Saratov region

Saratov is the cradle of oil and gas production


Man in the Modern World


Certificate of the 1st degree

Andrei Otstavnov

Research advisers:

Beloliptseva I.V., Zabrodina N.A., Selivanova E.V.

Boarding Lyceum of Natural Science (LIEN), Saratov, Saratov region

"F. Konyukhov is our contemporary and unique traveler ”, the chapter of the 5th grade geography student’s book

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Podolskaya Alexandra, Stepanova Anastasia

Research adviser:

Brigadirenko N.V.

Music and Esthetics Lyceum n.a. A.G. Schnittke, Engels, Saratov region

Toys of great people

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Nurmasheva Marina

Research adviser:

Gontsova E.V.

Boarding Lyceum of Natural Science (LIEN), Saratov, Saratov region

Do cryptocurrencies have a future in Russia?

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Shtah Elizabeth

Research adviser:

Olkhova T.V.

Secondary General School No.12 named after V.V. Tarasov, Penza, Penza region

Research of the influence of loneliness on teens and their aggressiveness

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Akimova Victoria, Krivenko Elizaveta

Research adviser:

Mariskina S.V.

Secondary General School No.60, Saratov, Saratov region

The rights of a child in the modern world

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Bychkova Evgenia


Krivtsova N.S., Morozova Y.V.

Gymnasium No.33, Ulyanovsk, Ulyanovsk region

Animal-assisted therapy. Psychological and physical effects of animals on people.

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Bykova Ekaterina, Samokhin Sergey

Research adviser:

Bazanova I.V.

Gymnasium No.3, Saratov, Saratov region

Psychological and legal capacity to regulate communication problems

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Furman Margarita

Research advisers:

Panchuk E.V., Storozheva T.Y.

Secondary General School No.8, Petrovsk, Saratov region

The feat of soviet soldiers “Panfilovtsy” in modern mass media

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Popov Ruslan

Research advisers:

Panchuk E.V., Storozheva T.Y.

Secondary General School No.8, Petrovsk, Saratov region

Petrovsk single-industry town and its small enterprises”

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Potekhina Catherine

Research adviser:

Kalmykova N.E.

Biomedical Lyceum, Saratov, Saratov region

How to be confident

Certificate of relevance of the presented topic

Filimonov Nikita

Research adviser:

Filimonova N.V.

Gymnasium "Eureka", Anapa, Krasnodar territory

Research of the influence of the visual environment on the emotional state of schoolchildren

Certificate for successful job and defense of the project

Klintsova Valeriya

Research adviser:

Filimonova N.V.

Gymnasium "Eureka", Anapa, Krasnodar territory

Establishment and operation of free-trade zone

Certificate for successful job and defense of the project

Alpatova Maria, Desyatnikova Ekaterina

Research adviser:

Tetekina O.V.

Secondary General School No.7, Penza, Penza region

Self-determination in high school age

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach to development of the project

Malysheva Maria

Research adviser:

Tarakanova G.V.

Secondary General School No.9, Saratov, Saratov region

Parents through the prism of teenager’s eyes

Certificate of relevance of the presented topic

Bocharova Tatiana

Research adviser:

Tarakanova G.V.

Secondary General School No.9, Saratov, Saratov region

Depression is the plague of the XXI century

Certificate of relevance of the presented topic

Bulls Vsevolod

Research adviser:

Novichkova T.V.

Biomedical Lyceum, Saratov, Saratov region

Pyramid Scheme or pipe dreams.

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach to development of the project

Anna Gasumova

Research adviser:

Popova E.V.

Gymnasium "Eureka", Anapa, Krasnodar territory

Civil marriage as a social problem

Certificate for successful job and defense of the project

Slusar Victoria, Suvankulova Anna

Research adviser:

Sadova A.V.

Secondary General School No.12 named after V.V. Tarasov, Penza, Penza region

"Spinner" is the most popular anti-stress device

Certificate for successful job and defense of the project

Tyrzov Yan

Research adviser:

Gabdulin G.N.

Secondary General School No.10, Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region

Life on the moon

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach to development of the project

Bayzuldinova Alina

Research adviser:

Kalistratova N.N.

Secondary General School No.4, Marks, Saratov region

The banking system

Certificate of relevance of the presented topic

Chunikhina Alina

Research adviser:

Astakhova M.Yu.

Lyceum of mathematics and computer sciences, Saratov, Saratov region

Women and demography in Saratov region


Man in the Modern World (social projects)


Certificate of the 1st degree

Afonin Nikita, Gavrilova Anastasia, Kirilysheva Anna, Laptev Anton, Moskvitina Maria, Nilov Kirill, Pozdeev Sergey, Pyatkova Olga,

Silyutin Ivan, Sychev Vadim, Trondin Nikita, Kharitova Anastasia, Chegutaev Egor, Shetmanyuk Elizaveta, Shtykova Alina

Research advisers:

Karacheva, TB, Pak, V.V, Silyutina, O.V

School No.3, Samara, Samara region

going through the memory, days and faces of Afghanistan go forward

Certificate of the 1st degree

Solovyova Tatyana

Research adviser:

Solovyova N.V.

Secondary General School No.15, Balakovo, Saratov region

Anyone can become a wizard!

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Bondarenko Dmitry, Kamenchuk Danila, Mutalieva Diana, Onikova Victoria, Romashov Alexander

Research adviser:

Vakhitova A.F.

Boarding Lyceum No.5 of JSC Russian Railways, Krasny Kut, Saratov region

Social networks as a way to solve environmental problems of the Krasny Kut city

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Beglyanov Nikita, Sharonova Maria

Research adviser:

Ryabina A.V.

Gymnasium No.4, Astrakhan, Astrakhan region

The new generation of voters

Certificate of the 2nd degree

Berdieva Samira, Julay Aleksey, Tverdokhlebov Ivan

Research advisers:

Ryabina A.V., Sukhanova M.A.

Gymnasium No.4, Astrakhan, Astrakhan region

Child health and program “Ready for Labor and Defense”

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Belousova Angelina, Kravtsov George, Radkov Dmitry, Sedova Yana, Fakushina Anastasia

Research advisers:

Kravtsova L.E., Fakushina A.Z.

Boarding Lyceum No.5 of JSC Russian Railways, Krasny Kut, Saratov region

The safe world of childhood

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Ilyina Victoria, Kazanina Violetta, Kuzmina Vlada

Research adviser:

Belash M.A.

Secondary General School No.30, Engels, Saratov region

Cyberbulling or methods of protection against harassment on the Internet

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Kulyavtseva Anastasia

Research adviser:

Ermakova T.Y.

Secondary General School No.33 n.a. P.A. Stolypin, Club “Research”, Engels, Saratov region

The revived painting by Jacob Weber

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Klescheva Anastasia

Research adviser:

Gerashchenko S.A.

Secondary General School No.24, Saratov, Saratov region

Unknown and forgotten monuments of the Kirovsky district of Saratov city (within the project "The history of the country through the school window")

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach to development of the project

Melkonyan Diana

Research adviser:

Filimonova N.V.

Gymnasium "Eureka", Anapa, Krasnodar territory

Leisure of “Third Age” people

Certificate of relevance of the presented topic

Matveyev Igor, Pyrochkin Artemy, Shilan Marina

Research advisers:

Otvidenko A.Yu., Sergeeva M.V.

Lyceum No.15, Saratov, Saratov region

Copywriting Agency "Text Coast"

Certificate of relevance of the presented topic

Borisov Oleg, Gasymov Zafar, Ignatieva Yana, Isaeva Dayan, Kryuchkova Anastasia, Kudareva Dinara, Malova Elizaveta, Markelova Valeriya, Tugusheva Denmark

Research advisers:

Gorokhova T.V., Ilyushina O.V., Pakina T.A., Savina L.V., Semenova M.N.

Secondary General School No.1, Bazarny Karabulak, Saratov region

We will save you, the Russian language, the great Russian word

Certificate of relevance of the presented topic

Anna Nogayeva

Research adviser:

Olkhova T.V.

Secondary General School No.12 named after V.V. Tarasov, Penza, Penza region

The activities of the children's psychological society as one of the factors of school student socialization.

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach to development of the project

Boyko Elizaveta, Kubashova Kamilla, Makeeva Victoria, Pestereva Anna

Research advisers:

Eliseeva E.N., Sergienko M. P

Secondary General School No.4, Marks, Saratov region

 I do good

Certificate of relevance of the presented topic

Belavin Artem

Research adviser:

Gabdulin G.N.

Secondary General School No.10, Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region

The safe street


World without borders (English)


Certificate of the 1st degree

Lobanova Sophia

Research advisers:

Voinova G.V., Myznikova A.V., Filippova N.V.

Secondary General School No.15, Engels, Saratov region

The streets of the Engels city, which are named in honour of the heroes of the great patriotic war

Certificate of the 2nd  degree

Borisova Elina

Research adviser:

Korolkova A.V.

Lyceum No.107, Saratov, Saratov region

We are responsible for those who tamed

Certificate of the 2nd  degree

Redkousova Daria

Research adviser:

Korolkova A.V.

Lyceum No.107, Saratov, Saratov region

Weak in body but strong in spirit

Certificate of the 2nd  degree

Elkina Elizaveta, Elza Khabibullina

Research adviser:

Chabak L.M.

Secondary General School No.9 with advanced study of English, Kazan, republic of Tatarstan

World Heritage Sites in Tatarstan

Certificate of the 2nd  degree

Lisovenko Elizaveta, Ovsyannikova Polina, Feoktistova Anastasia, Chuykina Alena

Research adviser:

Bodrova I.V.

Gymnasium No.1, Balakovo, Saratov region

Welcome to Balakovo!

Certificate of the 2nd  degree

Belikova Arina, Krivasova Elizaveta, Samyko Ekaterina, Tezikov Leonid, Tokareva Daria, Tishchenko Maria, Fedoseyeva Zlata

Research adviser:

Bodrova I.V.

Gymnasium No.1, Balakovo, Saratov region

Learn English! It is important!

Certificate of the 2nd  degree

Pletenev Dmitry

Research adviser:

Vasilyeva N.A.

Secondary General School No.74, Izhevsk, republic of Udmurtia

How they sell it

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Afonina Anastasia, Badaeva Elvira

Research adviser:

Shkodina N.V.

Lyceum "Solaris", Saratov, Saratov region

The implementation of media education using the example of the experience of Lyceum Solaris

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Trutnev Artyom

Research adviser:

Antonova O.V.

Secondary General School No.3, Pugachyov, Saratov region

Research of collocations is one of the effective methods of learning foreign languages

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Avdeenko Mariana

Research adviser:

Klyueva T.G.

Lyceum "Solaris", Saratov, Saratov region

Kilogram. History of the standard

Certificate of relevance of the presented topic

Arkhipova Lily

Research adviser:

Korolkova A.V.

Lyceum No.107, Saratov, Saratov region

Short message service and its influence on teenagers’ life

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach to development of the project

Astakhova Anastasia

Research adviser:

Korolkova A.V.

Lyceum No.107, Saratov, Saratov region

Lexical paradoxes of the English language

Certificate for interest in the subject and creative approach to development of the project

Grishina Ekaterina, Evtushenko Daria, Chumaeva Almira, Yugai Victoria

Research advisers:

Volkova G.V., Goryainova OV, Kochegarova T.V.

Secondary General School No.1, Novouzensk, Saratov region

How to make Novouzensky district a tourist center?

Certificate of relevance of the presented topic

Sevastyanova Olesya


Queen T.Yu.,

Tribunskaya E.Z.

Secondary General School No.7, Balakovo, Saratov region

Natural Background Radiation and Emotions


World without borders (The German language)


Certificate of the 2nd degree

Sineva Polina

Research adviser:

Zaymalina A.M.

Gymnasium No.33, Ulyanovsk, Ulyanovsk region

Die Perspektiven der Entwicklung der komfortablen architektonisch-oekologischen Zone im Oekopark «Schwarzer See »( Uljanowsk) auf Vergleichsbeispiel mit dem Oekopark «Schoenwasserpark»(Krefeld)

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Krasilnikova Alina, Savinkina Daria

Research advisers:

Galanina E.V., Kurnikova L.N.

Lyceum No.107, Saratov, Saratov region

Kopf unf Zahl

Certificate of relevance of the presented topic

Osipova Alena

Research advisers:

Zotova OF, Osipova O.A.

Secondary General School No.18, Saratov, Saratov region

Die ungewohnlichen gewohnlichen Tiere

Certificate for practical orientation of the project

Andreas Kaufmes

Research adviser:

Kaufmes E ..

Geschwister-scholl-gimnasium, г. Biderbach



UNESCO World Heritage


Certificate of the 3rd degree

Zhdanov Daniel, Kurbanov Roman, Pogudin Nikita,

Talapova Catherine

Research advisers:

Lobova M.A., Farinova G.V., Shinkorenko I.V.

School No.327, Saint Petersburg

The elusive history

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Gritsova Anastasia

Research adviser:

Shumakova I.M.

Gymnasium No.41, Novouralsk, Sverdlovsk region

Assumption Cathedral in the Sviyazhsk town (documentary about Russian history)

Certificate of the 3rd degree

Mochalina Alina

Research adviser:

Kuznetsova Y.I.

Academic Lyceum, Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region

Cultural assumptions of my country. Kazan city tour within UNESCO.

Certificate of relevance of the presented topic

Gimelshteyn Evgenia, Kryukova Alisa

Research adviser:

Shorstova S.A.

Lyceum of Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Irkutsk region

Ecological problems and their solutions using the example of Lake Baikal and the Wadden Sea