For applicants from Saratov region, other regions of Russia who come to study at LIEN we open our doors on Bakhmetyevskaya street 15 minutes walk from the lyceum.
There are kitchens, refrigerators in each room and a shower bath.
On the floor of the boarding school there are classrooms for self-studying, and tutoring lessons. In order to improve studying, improve student performance, we traditionally conduct tutoring lessons and consultations on profession-oriented subjects.
A creative team of educators, tutors work in the Boarding School. The main feature of the boarding pedagogical team work is a friendly, trusting attitude towards students, an interest to their life and problems.
Under the guidance of educators, classes of the “Home Academy” are unobtrusively conducted, where children learn to cook tasty healthy food, decency and healthy lifestyle.
There was a tradition in the boarding school to hold a round table discussion entitled “Your Rights and Responsibilities” with the participation of representatives of Commission on Minors' Affairs, the regional family planning center, the regional sobriety society, where learners consider issues of responsibility for their lives, for the lives of loved ones and for misdeeds
Traditionally, in the Boarding Lyceum there is the day of principal, when G.G. Konnycheva gives a press conference for high school students on the development of the lyceum, modern teaching and educational process.
Particular attention is paid to promotion a healthy lifestyle. An experienced doctor L.A. Martynov tells about healthy nutrition, hardening, disease prevention and sanitary rules. There consultations are held and necessary medical assistance is provided.
Activities in sport clubs such as "School of Survival", "School of martial arts", volleyball, basketball facilitate promotion of healthy lifestyles, improving the health of students. Experienced coaches Nikolaev D.V. and Travova O.N. are involved in competitions and demonstration performances with children.
The participation of girls and boys in the “Home Comfort” contest helps to make the boarding school a kind and cozy home, and the people living in it become a close-knit family.
The Boarding School sticks to rules and traditions. Birthday greetings, themed nights and holidays bring up the culture of relationships between learners and respect for each other.
The development of creative abilities and individual qualities are vividly manifested in such competitions as The Autumn Kaleidoscope, art competitions (newspaper publishing, room decoration, etc.) dance contests and vocal performances, art programs and other different contests as “Hello, it’s me”, New Year party, Maslenitsa festival and etc.
Visits to theatre, exhibitions, excursions in the center "Rainbow", activities of the Regional Children's Library A.S. Pushkin educate students and facilitate their cultural development.
Individual work with students, different conversations help to maintain their education in legal culture, moral and psychological stability.
Here are some fragments from the questionnaire: “I really like the boarding school. New acquaintances, good friends and educators, nice conditions for living and studying. ” “The boarding school is a good friendly family. Here you can find friends. Tutoring classes and friends help me in my studies. ”