Study in LIEN
LIEN provides high-quality education services, guided by general and secondary education programs.
Subject working programs suppose the usage of various study materials according to the Federal list of recommended textbooks. More than 50 study books have been published by lyceum teachers to help students prepare to SFC and USE exams.

In 2012 lyceum started using new Federal Primary Education Standards. Considering innovative study features and vast experience of using system-activity approach, study process is oriented towards achieving all kinds of educational results according to the demands of Federal General Education Standards: subjective, metasubjective and individual.

All classrooms are equipped with computers and multimedia projectors. There are also special classrooms for lectures, physics, chemistry and informative technology.

Lyceum educational model is mostly built around learners’ age and psychological features. That model defines the main study direction in different grades: intellect development in 5-6 grades, self-identification in 7-9 grades, self-realization in 10-11 grades.
Study process in the lyceum implies compulsory control over students’ knowledge and skills. Working with “one lesson – one mark” rule, teachers regularly conduct written tests and orals.
Every month students pass final attestation and get an average mark, reflecting their study success and behavior. Attestation results are logged and available for both students and their parents. Final attestation is followed by motivational lesson.

Surveys are used regularly as means of effective feedback and for the purpose of enhancing education process: students may feel free to express their opinion on education quality and teachers’ education styles.
Education in LIEN is individual oriented with the primary aim of creating “situation of success in study activity”, thus all students’ personal features are taken into consideration. During admission to the Lyceum is held psychological and diagnostic work, since the result of study depends largely on how well teachers are aware of the individual characteristics of the lyceum students.