The Private Educational Institution Boarding Lyceum of Natural Science

Immersion in science

Modern education is focused on personal development. The society needs a graduate who can independently think, creatively solve problems, analyze the results of own activity and apply theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems.

The main goal of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard is to create conditions which contributes to the development of not only the subject, but also the metasubject and personal competences of students. Accordingly, there is the need to create a new educational environment at school that allows students to develop their personal and above-school-subject competencies by the use of active teaching methods. The key task of LIEN is to create an educational environment which build the intellectual potential of the participants in the educational process and their personal fulfillment.

One of the leading methods that meets these requirements is the method of project activity. The Boarding School of Natural Science, for more than a decade has been actively introducing the project-research methods in the educational process. The teaching staff has gained rich experience in the organization of project and research activities. LIEN, has developed a whole system of various forms of organizing children. Circles, clubs, creative associations, summer schools, traditional events which are aimed at popularization of project activities.

In the Lyceum, the Student’s Scientific Society functions, with members who are engaged in individual and group research activities in a specific subject field under the guidance of leading teachers.

During the year, lyceum students are given the opportunity to prove themselves in research, take part in traditional lyceum events and present the results of the research at competitions and conferences at various levels. The status of the UNESCO Associated School gives the lyceum the opportunity to participate in international educational schools, projects, competitions, and other events.

One direction of scientific activity is the lyceum student’s participation in the Olympics and various intellectual competitions. In LIEN, everyone can become a member of the All-Russian Olympics for schoolchildren, as well as university and long-distance Olympics. All-Russian and international contests: Russian Bear, British Bulldog, KIT, Kangaroo, Golden Fleece, ChiP, are very popular among children.

The Fair of Creative Ideas

This event summarizes results of the last academic year. The students who have achieved high results in research are honored. Lyceum students get acquainted with the subject of projects at the beginning of the new academic year. The fair provides an opportunity for children and teachers to exchange ideas and team up.


The Days of Science

In the last week of each February, there are The Days of Science in Lien. The Days of Science introduces lyceum students to research and project activities. The main purposes of the Days of Science are to strengthen a cognitive interest in the study of various processes and phenomena occurring in the nature and society, awareness of using scientific facts, the ability to put forward hypotheses, find ways to evaluate them and establish the connection of science with life.

The main objectives of the Days of Science are to

  • introduce students to new directions in the development of modern science, technology and culture;
  • teach students to do creative research and introduce them to outstanding achievements of domestic and foreign scientists; and
  • tell about achievements of the previous lyceum students in the project and research activities in different years..


During the Days of Science

  • lessons are conducted in a non-standard form (popular science lectures, watching films, project lessons, debate lessons, conference lessons),
  • high school students present their messages about great scientists, important scientific discoveries, new directions in science,
  • each group publishes a newsletter on science news,
  • mind games

Excursions are organized to the Educational Center “Rosatom”, CYIA “Innovator”, the Entertaining Science Museum “Einsteiniy”, the planetarium, museums and laboratories of the city's universities.

The culmination of the Days of Science is the lyceum scientific-practical conference entitled "Your first research, student!"


Scientific-practical conference "Your first research, student!"

The scientific-practical conference is held annually in February within “The Days of Science”.

The main objectives of the conference are:

  • raising the prestige of the independent creative activity of lyceum students,
  • the introduction of schoolchildren to the project research activity,
  • developing student’s interest in the study of various scientific disciplines,
  • summarizing the project activities of students for the current academic year.


The conference is held in two stages:

  • work within sections (student’s speeches on a subject and the delegation of the best students to the plenary meeting),
  • plenary meeting


All students of the lyceum take part in the conference as an audience, as members of the jury or as speakers on the defense of their work.

The main criteria of assessment are:

  • presentation of the material and the degree of awareness of it,
  • degree of culture speaking in public,
  • disclosure of the project at the presentation,
  • efficiency and expediency of using visual aids,
  • ability to answer opponent’s questions.


Within the conference traditionally there are the following sections:

  • The Russian language and literature
  • Foreign languages
  • Natural Sciences
  • Computer science
  • Human and society
  • In the world of mathematics
  • We know ourselves and the world


Conference participants who win prizes will be awarded certificates and gifts or money.

According to the jury opinion the best projects are recommended for participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference From School Project to Professional Career.

The Summer Practicum

In the Boarding School of Natural Sciences, the project method is embodied in the program “the summer practicum”. It involves students in research and project activities as part of profession-oriented training. The main goal of the practicum is to immerse learners in creative research, fruitful activities and prepare students for further profession self-determination. The practice is organized annually during the first two weeks of June for the 7th-8th grades students. Summer practicum activities are determined on the basis of a survey of children. Children are divided into groups. There are the following sections: Entertaining mathematics, Physical and chemical laboratory, Saratov in the lens and Historic Saratov. The task of each creative group is to implement a practice-oriented project.

For two weeks classes take place outside the walls of the lyceum. Students visit museums, laboratories and also study cultural, historic and natural objects of the city. Classes are organized in the form of lectures, excursions, game lessons, quizzes, laboratory work and other activities. This practice allows kids to understand what knowledge, skills and personal characteristics are necessary for various professions. It helps them to choose profession-oriented subjects at school and the future profession after.

Аs part of the last practicum students visited the Russian Railway chemistry laboratory, the fitness club “Forte Club”, the chemistry laboratory of the Saratov State Technical University, Museum of physical instruments and demonstrations of SSU, The center of youth innovative art “Innovator” of Saratov State Vavilov Agrarian University and the Bank of Russia “Neftemash plant”.

The results of the summer practicum are summarized in the form of defense of projects by groups. According to the results of the work, each student receives a test, as well as a certificate confirming the completion of the practical work. Many of the projects which were started during the summer practicum continue to develop during the academic year and are presented at various conferences.

During the summer practicum meta-subject and personal competencies are formed such as skills of planning and organizing activities, self-esteem, communication skills, skill of presenting results of own intellectual and practical activities.