Innovative activity
From its foundation, LIEN has been an innovative educational institution both in form and in content. In Saratov region, this lyceum is the first non-state educational institution and school at the university. This obliged the Lyceum's administration to develop both a regulatory and legal base and it contributed to the discovery of such structures in many universities of Saratov city.

The development of LIEN as an innovative educational institution took place in several stages:
- Stage 1. LIEN is the school of pre-university education (1992-2002).
- Stage 2. Specialized school at the University.
- Stage 3. LIEN is the school of success (2008-2013).
- Stage 4. LIEN is the school of intellectual development (2014-2019).
The first two stages of development allowed to establish and use the substantive and technological aspects of the educational process.
During these years LIEN has become a leader in mastering information communicative technology, project activity and innovative technology in the field of study.
Rich obtained experience of the first two stages allowed the lyceum to become the winner of the regional stage; the Best Schools of Russia and take part in the All-Russian stage competition.
Having passed the examination of educational initiatives LIEN entered the top thirty of the best schools in Russia. The lyceum also became the winner of the Competition Educational Institutions introducing innovative educational programs within the Priority National Project Education.
The experience of this period was widely reported in many journals. More than fifty articles reviewed it. During this period, two collections Innovative Methodology of Pre-University Education, an almanac Practice of Pre-University Education, were published. The monograph of the principal of LIEN Konnycheva G.G;“The implementation of the educational model of the Lyceum as a specialized school at the university”.
Innovation experience enabled the Lyceum to become an active member of the International Network of Productive Schools (INEPS) and fruitfully cooperate in sharing experience with international organizations on the problems of productive education in a modern school.
At the next stages of development, the lyceum's innovative activity is aimed at implementing the next programs: LIEN is a school of success, the Creating of educational environment, LIEN as a school for intellectual development.

During this period, LIEN achieved the status of UNESCO School (2008). It actively carried out innovative activities in the main areas of the UNESCO Associated Schools Project, and interacted with many schools in the region and Russia within exchange teaching experience.
In 2009, the Ministry of Education of the Saratov Region assigned the Lyceum the status of Educational Institution, Resource Center; in the same year, the Municipal Scientific Laboratory Lien as a Personality Development School was established on the basis of the Lyceum.
In 2013, according to the results of the examination; the Creating of productive educational environment, School of intellectual development and a way of forming a self-developing personality. The Lyceum was given the status of the Federal Innovation Platform.
Since 2016, LIEN has been implementing a project dedicated to the issues of schoolchildren’s motivation as a regional innovative platform.
During this period, new innovative projects are being implemented in the lyceum:
- annual lyceum competition Persona Grata,
- summer camp of lyceum students Berezka,
- intellectual quest game Lukomorye.

Some innovative projects are significantly not only for the LIEN staff, but also for the public of the region:
- LIEN is the place for the Total Dictation,
- LIEN hold exhibitions of paintings by Saratov artists,
- LIEN is the organizer of the first entertainment flash mob in mathematics, called MathCat.
The experience of developing LIEN as an innovative school is interesting because it covers all the components of the educational environment; the whole range of areas the modern school.
All LIEN innovations come from their own internal resources, here they are brought to the state of a product, ready for dissemination and have value to other schools.