LIEN is Regional Resource Center
The main feature of LIEN is openness. Lyceum is open to the public with its pedagogical technologies, creative ideas, innovations, and educational products. We are ready to share our experience with the pedagogical community and have been doing it for many years. Now we are a kind of educational resource center, first for teachers and students in rural lyceum schools and second for all who need it.
Since 1998, the Lyceum has been the center of pre-university training, creating a system of lyceum classes in twenty-four districts of the region on the basis of rural municipalities. As a coordinating body for the management of educational activities, LIEN carries out control and educational methodological functions in lyceum classes, assists in providing them with the necessary educational and methodical literature and implements long-distance interaction.
LIEN teachers regularly traveled to rural schools to conduct consultations and training sessions with students. LIEN teachers regularly traveled to rural schools for consultation, lessons with students and assisted teachers in preparing students for independent assessment. And on the days of school holidays, teachers and representatives of the administration of rural schools came to the Lyceum for seminars and pedagogical sessions, at which they discussed urgent problems of modern education.
There were discussions about the significance of innovations in the successful functioning and development of a modern school, trainings on management and formation of student motivation, successful teaching activity and much more.
Such a system of interaction of our Lyceum with rural schools allowed us to raise these schools to the level of educational resource center in their municipalities.
Since 2003, in order to implement the concept of profession-oriented study, LIEN has become a resource center within profession-oriented study for numerous rural schools. Interaction with rural schools entered into a new stage of development. Since 2003, in addition to the annual seminars that had been held for five years for rural teachers during school holidays, the Lyceum held scientific-methodical seminars, conferences and pedagogical sessions for representatives of the administration of these schools.
2003 was a year of active preparation for the introduction to the Unified State Exam (USE). Needless to say, in the conditions of unequal preparation of non-resident and resident students for this type of assessment and subsequent entering universities, there is an anxiety that many graduates of rural schools will remain behind and will not enroll into universities. Therefore, one of the first scientific and methodological seminars for the administration and teachers of rural schools was devoted to “Problems of quality improvement in the introduction of the Unified State Exam". Many warm words were said by the representatives of these schools to the Lyceum. Therefore, we not only began to actively hold such events, but also tried to increase the level of these holdings.
Lyceum Boarding School of Natural Science has become the largest among the educational institutions of the region within profession-oriented study. For 17 years, 11 thousand students graduated LIEN and entered universities. More than 9 thousand non-resident students also graduated LIEN and became university students.
Recognizing the achievements of LIEN as a leader in the region’s education, the Ministry of Education of the Saratov Region assigned the Lyceum the status of “Educational Institution - Resource Center”. (December 21, 2009).
The main activities of LIEN as a resource center:
- the introduction of innovative information communication technologies in management and the educational process;
- introduction of research and project activities;
- dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience, to allow the pedagogical community to get familiar with the results of our various work via websites and publishing.
The activities of LIEN as a regional resource center are conducted in accordance with Russian Federation regulation, normative legal documents of the Ministry of Education of the Saratov region, an agreement on cooperation between the GAU DPO Saratov Regional Institute of Development of Education" and the Boarding School of Natural Sciences and its own Regulations on the Resource Center.
Features of LIEN as a resource center are highly qualified personnel, modern study tools, the current system of innovative work of the teaching staff, high outcome measures of educational results and willingness to disseminate positive experience.
In 2005 the Lyceum became a finalist in the All-Russian competition “Best Schools of Russia” and entered the list of 30 best schools in Russia with the innovative project “LIEN is a regional resource center within the implementation of innovative educational institution”.
In 2006 the lyceum became the winner of the All-Russian competition of educational institutions introducing innovative educational programs within PNPE for the development of an innovative educational project “Development of an information and education environment, LIEN as a regional resource center”.